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- Written by Administrator
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Members’ names |
Telephone Nos/E-mail Addresses |
1 |
Engr. Prof O. Taiwo - Chairman |
08033881645; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Engr. Prof F. N. Okafor - Vice Chairman |
08059634488; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Emeritus Prof S. A. Adekola - Member |
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Engr. A. B. O. Ajai - Member |
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Engr. Prof. S. Y. Aku - Member |
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Engr. Prof. D. S. Matawal - Member |
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Engr. Prof. E. U. Nwa - Member |
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Engr. J. A. Arumemi-Ikhide - Member |
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- Written by Administrator
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 837
Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font. Figures and Tables should be inserted in the text shortly after they are first mentioned. Pages should be numbered in the centre bottom of the page. Major headings should be in upper case bold letters and numbered. Example “1. INTRODUCTION”. Sub-headings should be numbered accordingly in lower case bold letters. Example “3.2 Theoretical Framework”. Sub-sub headings should be in italics bold. Example “4.2.2 Policy Implications”. All headings should be left justified. Manuscripts may be written in either the first or third person.
The manuscript should generally be arranged as follows:
The title should identify the subject, indicate the purpose of the subject and contain relevant keywords. It should supply enough information for the reader to make a reliable decision on probable interest. A short informative title is preferred over a long one. Titles should normally not exceed 15 words. Use uppercase, bold for the title. The title should be followed by the author(s)’s full name written in lower case letters. Each name should be written as surname first, then comma before the first and middle names. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the name. The names should be followed by affiliations and email addresses of the authors. Use numbered superscripts to identify addresses of different authors if there are more than one author.
Provide at least five keywords relevant to the subject for purposes of indexing.
The purpose of an abstract is to provide a clear and concise summary of the information presented in the article. The abstract should normally contain a sentence on the background to the work, a sentence on the statement of the problem, rationale, hypothesis of the work, a brief description of the methods, a summary of the results and conclusion. Literature citations and references to tables, figures, or equations found in the body of the manuscript should not be used. The abstract should contain only enough about methodology to provide a context for the results, which are presented next. A summary of the results should include the major trends. The goal of the abstract is to state only the most important results of the study. Data may be given to emphasize the results, including statistical results. The abstract should end with a brief statement of the conclusions and implications of the study. For a critical review paper, the style is slightly different. The abstract will contain the background, statement of the problem, approach used, different areas analyzed, major findings, policy implications and recommendations for way forward.
The introduction should start with a brief background to the problem including a description of earlier work done, the state of research or work in the subject area, the gap in knowledge and the need for the present study. It should then define the problem and give a concise justification and rationale for the study. The Introduction should end with the main aim and objectives of the work stated in clear terms.
The main body will vary depending on the nature of the work presented. For experimental work, this section should contain the description of the location or materials, experimental procedures, design of experiments, development and validation of theoretical models, statistical analysis of data. These can be organized in chronological, spatial, geographical, or any other sequence that develops logically. For such experimental, design or theoretical work, the main body will have two major headings. The first is “Materials and Methods”. Information about materials and methods should be provided in sufficient detail so that the work may be repeated. You should reference all methods previously used and specify whether the methods had been modified and, if so, how. The second major heading is “Results and Discussion”, which can have sub sections where different aspects of the results are presented and discussed. The author should present the results using tables and figures as relevant and discuss them as they occur. Such discussion will include conformity or otherwise with existing knowledge, major breakthrough and implications. The results should address the objectives.
For a critical review paper, there is no need for separate sections on “Materials and Methods”. Rather, the main body should be subdivided to several sections according to the relevant areas of the work as determined by the author in a logical sequence. It should end with a section on Way Forward and Recommendations.
This section re-states the major findings and recommendations of the study and should be brief and concise. No new issues should be presented here. It can start with a brief summary of the work and then end with the major conclusions. Note that a reader that does not have time will read only the abstract and the conclusion.
This section is used for acknowledging any funding agencies that gave grants or support for the work. It is not a place for thanking family members.
The “name-date” method of reference is used. References should help the reader, librarian, or indexer to retrieve the items cited and therefore should be done in an orderly manner in such a way that they are verifiable. Within the text, refer to the item with the name of the author and year of publication. Example – Okonkwo (2017), for single author; Abubakar and Ahmed (2017), for two authors and Afolayan et al (2017) for more than two authors. These should be listed in full in the section on references in alphabetical order of the surname of the first author.
Reynolds, D.P. 2017. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Macmillan Publishers, Lagos. pg213-300.
Ochigu, T.B. 2016. Effect of velocity on drag coefficient. Ph.D. Thesis, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja.
Abubakar, Y.M; Offor, B.N. and Ojo, W.P. 2017. How to Write a Journal Paper. International Journal of Writing. Elsevier. 233(3):45-89.
Assemble and define all mathematical symbols, abbreviations, etc in this section.
Provide an appendix if necessary. This is used where there is need for further explanation of an issue. This is only allowed in special cases where a reference cannot be provided for the reader.
Mathematical equations should be progressively numbered as they occur. All symbols used must be defined at their point of first occurrence and listed and defined under Nomenclature.
Figures are important in presentations. You should include figures to emphasize points made in the text, not merely to illustrate tabular material graphically. Illustrations attract the reader's attention, clarify the text, and should not be included unless discussed in the text. Graphs and charts should be designed to improve the general presentation of a technical publication by reporting data in a manner easy to comprehend. The decision to select and use charts or graphs should be governed by the writer's message and the points to be brought out in the illustration. Graphs primarily show trends; therefore, it is not
necessary for you to show all the coordinate rulings in most graphs. Photographs should only be used if they show something essential to the point being made. High quality photos made for slide projections or talks are usable if they make a point. All graphs, charts, photographs are referred to as Figures and should be numbered as Figure 1, 2, 3…. In order as they occur. All figures taken from previous publications should be properly referenced. The figure caption should be placed below the figure. Colour can be used where necessary.
Tables are used for reporting extensive numerical data in an organized manner. They show classifications, facilities comparisons, reveal relationships, and save space. They should be self-explanatory. Data presented in tables should neither be duplicated in figures nor reviewed extensively in the text. Give specific references and explanation in the text to introduce each table. It is seldom necessary to use a table for fewer than eight items of data. Table captions should be brief, but must sufficiently explain the data included. Number your tables consecutively and refer to them in the text as table 1, table 2, etc. Show the units for all measurements in spanner heads, in column heads, or in the field. Use no more digits than the accuracy of the method justifies. Table captions should be on top of the Table.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as attached file in MS Word. This should be submitted to any member of the Editorial Board (see emails listed).
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- Written by Administrator
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 739
You are invited to submit original engineering and engineering science, cutting edge, high quality, result-oriented papers for review and possible publication in the upcoming issue.
We will notify you soon with the review report if your paper is accepted by the review committee.
Send your camera-ready manuscript or paper NOW to the Chief Editor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or NAE Secretariat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Journal of Innovative Solutions in Engineering is a publication of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering (NAEng) - ISSN 2636-5197.