The aim of the Journal is to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge at the highest level of the engineering profession in Nigeria towards providing innovative solutions to infrastructural and engineering problems confronting Nigeria in particular, Africa and the world in general. The journal covers all areas of Engineering applications and focuses on problems rather than disciplinary boundaries. Areas of focus include but not limited to: conventional energy and power; renewable energy and clean energy solutions; transport; housing and shelter; smart cities; water resources; environment and waste management; agriculture and food; oil and gas; operations research; materials; information and communications; healthcare, manufacturing, mining and solid minerals development; engineering economics and management.
Copyright © Nigeiran Academy of Engineering
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ISSN: 2636-5197
eISSN 2734-2972
Published by
The Nigerian Academy of Engineering Chemical Engineering Complex University of Lagos, Akoka
Printed by
University of Lagos Press and Bookshop Ltd
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Officers and Council 2022 - 2024
Engr. Prof. A. P. Onwualu, FNIM, FNIAE, FAS, FNSE, FAEng
Vice President
Engr. Prof. R. A. Bello, FNSChE, FNSE, FAEng
Honorary Secretary
Engr. (MRS) C. O. Adelowo, FNSE, FAEng
Honorary Treasurer
Engr. Prof. O. M. Sadiq, FNSE, FAEng
Members of Council
- Engr. Prof. A. P. Onwualu
- Engr. Prof. R. A. Bello
- Engr. (Mrs.) C. O. Adelowo
- Engr. Prof. O. M. Sadiq
- Engr. K. A. Adeola
- Engr. Dr. (Mrs.) E. N. Denloye
- Engr. Dr. O. Coker
- Engr. Prof. M. O. Faborode
- Engr. Prof. S. Mustafa
- Engr. Prof. U. G. Danbatta
- Engr. Prof. J. A. Ajienka
- Engr. Prof. C. A. Bolu
- Engr. A. O. Ogedegbe
- Engr. Prof. Fola Lasisi
- Engr. Prof. M. S. Haruna